4 Circle Venn Diagram Template in Google Docs

4 Circle Venn Diagram Google Docs Template

Create stunning four-circle Venn diagrams with ease using our free 4-circle Venn diagram template for Google Docs. Our template provides a great starting point for any project and is easy to customize with different colors, fonts, and images. Start using our free template today and make your Venn diagrams look amazing.

This template has 2 different styles of diagrams. The first one is made in classic strict blue colors, it is best suited for corporate documents. The second is made in a multi-colored style and has informational footnotes.

    Format: Google Docs

    Contributed by: Alex Janovich

    How to Copy a Venn Diagram into Your Google Docs Project:

    1. Open the shared document with the Venn diagram template.
    2. Click on the diagram to select it.
    3. Right-click and choose Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + C / Cmd + C).
    4. Open your Google Docs project where you want to insert the Venn diagram.
    5. Right-click in your document and select Paste, or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + V / Cmd + V).
    6. The Venn diagram will now appear in your document, ready for use!

    What is 4 circle Venn diagram?

    Four-circle Venn diagram is a diagram that uses four circles to illustrate the relationships between four sets of data. The area where the circles overlap represents the items that are in all four sets, while the areas outside of the circles represent the items that are only in one, two, or three of the sets.

    Does Google Docs have a 4 circle Venn diagram template?

    No, Google Docs doesn't have built-in 4-circle Venn Diagram templates, but you can always draw your own using the Drawing tool. But the easiest option is to download a ready-made template on this page and change it to fit your needs.

    More Templates in Venn Diagrams Category

    • 2 circles or sets - Thumbnail

      2 circles or sets

      Two-circle Venn diagram - blue and multicolor variants

    • 3 circles or sets - Thumbnail

      3 circles or sets

      Three-circle Venn diagram - blue and multicolor variants