7 Best Tips for Designing a Minimalist Interior

The concept of minimalism, often summed up in the motto "less is more", has deep meaning at its core. It lies in the fact that eliminating clutter and freeing up space is a way to also clear our consciousness. Eliminating everything superfluous, concentrating only on the main thing — this is what a "minimalist" state of mind is. In our time — the time of information technology and an active pace of life, everyone would like this, right?

Minimalist interior design

Minimalistic interior design may seem difficult to some, but it's not! With some planning, creating a minimalistic design will be easy, and the result will please you very much.

First, you need to audit your space, which is accompanied by the ordering of what you have. Then it's time to dive into the components of minimalist interior design. So, are you ready for a breath of fresh air into your space and into your thoughts? Then read to the end!

1. Think function first

Transitioning to a minimalist home interior design (like any other interior transformation) should be done with function in mind. For a space to promote calmness and serenity in your mind, it must be functional and easy to use!

Minimalist interior design bedroom

Start by evaluating all the things that are not functional in your home and think about how you can start using them. Some objects may need to be put in another location to make them more accessible when you need them. Or try to remake the item itself to improve it and achieve greater functionality. If these two options are not suitable, then this item should be removed from sight. An example is a basket in the living room for all those things that should not be in this room — this helps a lot to keep it clean and tidy.

Minimalist interior design

2. Plan Your Storage

There is no room for clutter in a minimal interior design. But our daily lives are full of items that often end up in random places. We constantly put things on the hallway table, kitchen counter, dining table, and more. To avoid this, consider storage space. If your hallway console is a convenient place for you to leave your belongings, prepare a box to store them. You will also be true to your habit, but all the mess will be removed from sight by simply closing the box.

The same principle applies throughout the home. Rethink your storage systems so they're easily accessible and clutter-free.

Minimalist interior design storage

3. Details matter in a minimalist interior

In a minimalist interior, there are very few items in plain sight, and they need to be carefully selected to get exactly the mood you want. This takes a bit of work, but the result will please you, as the items on display will take on even more significance if there is less visual clutter around them.


Minimalist interior design room

A great way to create an attractive minimalist interior design is to combine decor and function. For example, think of an unusual light above the dining table: in addition to being functional, it will add a certain character to the space and can even become a focal point.

Minimalist interior design

4. Be mindful of colors


Minimalist interior design

Minimalism means order, and this is also true for color combinations. A large number of unrelated colors in a space creates a visual clutter that is just as harmful as randomly lying objects.

But this does not mean that everything should be beige or white, you can choose accent colors too! But once a palette is chosen, you must follow it flawlessly.

Minimalist interior design

5. Minimal Interior Design Ideas: Texture Is Your Friend

Minimalist interior design

So, if you need to hide all the clutter and arrange very few items in a room, wouldn't this room be boring? Not at all! Mixing different textures is a fantastic way to add visual interest and movement to a room while keeping it minimal.

The main secret of combining textures is contrast and harmony. Smooth and rough, flat and voluminous, hard and soft. For example, velvety and rough surfaces reflect less light, so they are perceived as softer, and seem “cozy”. Glossy ones evoke a feeling of rigor and solemnity. The combination of leather and wood in the interior looks very interesting. And the skin looks amazing against the background of monochromatic glossy surfaces or glass. 

Lacquered wood surface can be combined with rough and rough natural stone. It is better to have fewer pieces of furniture, but that they are of good quality. This will add high cost and status to the room.

Minimalist interior design

6. Minimalist interior design must have white space

In a minimalist interior, white space is part of the design. Clean walls or free corners all contribute to creating a feeling of airiness and lightness of space.

But emptiness is not a synonym for bad taste! A wall with nothing hanging on it can be very interesting if painted in the right color, and a free corner will highlight the beauty of your flooring.

Minimalist interior design

7. Minimal Interior Design: Simplify

Minimalism is about simplicity. Incorporate this into your home design by simplifying furniture, décor, and storage systems. Make sure that the furniture is selected taking into account its form and functionality. Choose only the actual decor. Finally, simplify your storage systems and make them easily accessible and convenient. This will save you time spent cleaning and maintaining your home.

Minimalist interior design

The simplicity of minimalist interior design is something to admire. The idea that the house is clean and tidy is something we can all appreciate.